Singing Guide: Ben Harney

Singing Guide: Ben Harney

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ben Harney was an American musician and composer, known for his contributions to ragtime music during the late 19th century. Harney's music captured the essence of the era and made him famous worldwide. If you're interested in learning how to sing like Ben Harney, this article will guide you through some of the steps you should take.

Ben Harney's Unique Vocal Technique

Ben Harney's unique vocal technique can be described as a combination of smooth and soulful with a touch of roughness and grittiness. His voice conveyed a wide range of emotions, from joy and happiness to sadness and despair. To sing like Ben Harney, you need to master the following techniques:

  • Developing proper breath support and control
  • Mastering voice registers and vocal breaks
  • Singing with emotion and feeling
  • Practicing vowel and consonant articulation
  • Nailing pitch accuracy and intonation
  • Using resonance to your advantage

Songs that Showcase Ben Harney's Vocal Technique

If you're looking to learn about Ben Harney's vocal technique and style, the following songs will give you a good starting point:

  • "You've Been a Good Old Wagon but You've Done Broke Down"
  • "Put Me Off at Buffalo"
  • "Colored Aristocracy"
  • "You're as Welcome as the Flowers in May"
  • "Don't Cry, Dinah"

Practical Advice for Learning to Sing Like Ben Harney

To learn to sing like Ben Harney, there are some practical tips you should keep in mind:

  • Listen to his music frequently, and try to capture the essence of his style through repeated exposure.
  • Take singing lessons with a professional instructor who can help you develop proper vocal technique, control, and pitch accuracy.
  • Practice with Singing Carrot's range test, pitch accuracy test, vocal pitch monitor, and pitch training to improve your vocal range, accuracy, and control.
  • Incorporate Singing Carrot's vocal health and breathing exercises, which will help you develop proper breath support and control.
  • Check out Singing Carrot's resources on voice registers, vocal breaks, vowel and consonant articulation, articulation, and resonance in singing.
  • Try Singing Carrot's singing course designed to cover singing theory and practical tips
  • Search for songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference on Singing Carrot's song search.

Sing Like Ben Harney with Singing Carrots

With Singing Carrots, you can master the vocal techniques of Ben Harney and become a great singer in your own right. Use Singing Carrot's range test, pitch accuracy test, vocal pitch monitor, pitch training, song search, and artist vocal range explorer to perfect your singing skills, and take advantage of the articles and exercises listed above for additional tips and tricks. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.